Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Just To Be Clear...

I am aware that last night, in USA Central Time that someone in Oz (I so hope it was CYRA) turned this blog in to BUZZEN.

I started this blog immediately after I left PHREIK not because I'm that interested in PHREIK but because they approached me (21 June 2013) about Hosting one of their Official Rooms.

They, (MIST & CYRA) represented to me that it was an opportunity to build up a chat room (a community), I took them at their word and  made a good faith effort to accomplish this only to come to learn that in reality all MIST wanted was a room to meet lots of men at: to "play" them from, as well as generally act a fool, cause drama and lie, while I Hosted it.

Even if CYRA was hoodwinked by MIST at first like I was, she certainly was aware by 22 or 23 July after MIST had destroyed THELOBBY and caused both GUIDE_NEKA aka GRACEE and myself to resign from that chat room to get away from her, that something about her was not quite right.

Then after PHRIEK which knew full well about all this,  to watch them extend to her HOSTING PRIVILEGE for ESPRESSOBAR anyway, which looks like she promptly destroyed in two weeks time just blows my mind.

PHREIK is or was allowing its Chatters, in my opinion, to be lied to, misled, played and abused by at least one of its Hosts and a part of that time my Chatnickname was attached to it. So yeah I'm going to speak out.

As far as BUZZEN is concerned, I joined BUZZEN on 14 August 2013, minutes after I watched SYSOP_FAYRAH extend ESPRESSOBAR Hosting privilege to MIST.

It's true that I didn't expect much at BUZZEN. If there had been no Host and the room was dead I probably would have stayed a little while X'd out and that would have been the end of my chatting days.

Apparently though the stars were aligned for everyone that day, including me, because I was greeted by BUZZEN with a gaveled Host - REBEL. I was pleasantly surprised by his skill because I really did feel welcome and had a nice chat. I didn't save the CHATLOG heh! but if memory serves I believe I did tell him that I really wasn't expecting much. I did post about it here and tweeted about it.

Since that day, as a chatter I've seen how BUZZEN operates.  I am confident that during that period of time from when I joined BUZZEN until I applied for HOSTING PRIVILEGE had I observed anything weird or untoward going on, including that first day, I would not have applied for HOSTING PRIVILEGE, instead I would have posted about it here.

But there's nothing to report. The Hosts and Staff at BUZZEN like chatting and take pride in and enjoy what they do.  

So, I don't know what else to say.  Except, that you can complain to BUZZEN about this blog all you want but you're dead wrong if you think that Hosting a chat room is more important to me than exercising my First Amendment right.

In the future if I have anything to blog about THE LOBBY and/or BUZZEN I will do so from my BUZZEN Blog.

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